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well-being, mental health, lifestyle diseases


How to improve sleep

A night of restful sleep is one of the most basic needs of both the human body and mind. It is essential for health, happiness, and healing. Yet, many today suffer from poor sleep and even insomnia, defined as “difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep.” Daytime sleepiness, irritability, anxiety, and restlessness are some of its consequences.


How to improve memory

It is obvious that memory of not just the elderly but also the youth has taken a toll in recent times, whether due to modern technology, lifestyle, or education. Poor memory poses several problems, including impaired learning ability, reduced creativity, and ineffective communication, all of which lead to poor academic or job performance, not to mention low self-esteem.

How to improve focus

Success in any endeavor is not possible without a one-pointed focus on the task at hand. The inability to achieve and maintain focus leads to low productivity, creativity, and self-confidence. In this digital age, where distractions and temptations abound, it has become even more relevant to improve focus to attain any desired goal in life.

How to manage stress

Due to the fast pace and poor quality of today’s seemingly luxurious lifestyle, more and more people of all ages are unable to manage their life gracefully. The resultant stress takes away the natural state of well-being and creates problems in personal life. It saps the body of health, the mind of peace, and the relationships of harmony.

How to manage anxiety

With information constantly being bombarded from all directions in today’s fast-paced world, anxiety is, shockingly, becoming the norm. In several cases, intense anxiety often escalates into panic attacks. Regardless of whether it is general anxiety or a specific phobia, this condition triggers health issues, interferes with social functioning, and hinders performance at work.


How to manage anger

While anger can be constructive if managed well, “violent, uncontrolled anger,” known as rage, inevitably leads to destruction and suffering. In a society of instant messaging and fast food, where speed is valued more than direction, rage in daily life, whether in the form of road rage or domestic abuse, has become a widespread problem.

Mental Health


How to overcome loneliness

Friends and followers on social media notwithstanding, the COVID-19 pandemic revealed a mental health issue that many today are suffering from: namely, loneliness. “Our epidemic of loneliness and isolation has been an underappreciated public health crisis that has harmed individual and societal health,” said U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy.

How to overcome depression

Despite our progress in science and technology, the steep rise in the cases of depression puts a big question mark on the supposed progress of humanity. Whether due to a chemical imbalance or wrong thinking triggered by a heartbreak or a financial loss, depression wreaks the health, relationships, and efficiency of the person.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

How to manage ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)

One of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood in modern times, children with ADHD are hyperactive, have trouble paying attention, and cannot control their impulses even as they grow up. It leads to poor academic performance and impaired social interactions at school. It eventually also creates low self-esteem which is detrimental for emotional development.

How to overcome social media addiction

To make our lives more comfortable, humans have come a long way – from making simple tools to creating artificial intelligence. While the invention of social media has given a voice to the common man and connected people globally, it has its dark side, with one of the most harmful aspects being ‘social media addiction.’

social addiction

How to overcome trauma

Some experiences in life are unpleasant to such a degree that their imprints on the psyche haunt and hamper the person’s entire life. In today’s times, more and more people suffer from deep wounds in the psyche that are left unhealed by a society focused on pleasure and profit, rather than on human welfare.

How to overcome suicidal thoughts

A person survives not just on food and air but also on hope and love, without which life hits a dead end filled with darkness. An unchecked rise in stress, loneliness, anxiety, and depression in our modern times has sadly led to a rise in the number of suicide cases, which stares in society’s face as a blot on modernity.

suicidal thoughts

Lifestyle Diseases


How to manage diabetes

The incidence of diabetes or high blood sugar is increasing worldwide in all sections of society. With the modern lifestyle and its resultant stress as its major cause, this disease affects all body systems. Its associated complications, which include heart disease, kidney damage, nerve damage, vision impairment, and sexual problems, can significantly compromise the quality of the person’s life.

How to manage heart disease

The occurrence of ischemic heart disease (also known as coronary artery disease or “hardening of the arteries”) and surgical interventions thereof are increasing at an alarming pace. It is the leading cause of death worldwide. Advances in medical science have largely focused on therapeutic modalities rather than the preventive or holistic approach to management.

heart disease
high blood pressure

How to manage high blood pressure

Referred to as the “silent killer,” high blood pressure often does not show symptoms in its early stages. It is mostly recognized by its aftermaths, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage, to name a few. Whether due to modern dietary habits or sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure is one of the most prevalent disorders in today’s day and age.

How to manage obesity

Obesity, defined as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation,” not only increases the risk of diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, but also has psychological and social implications associated with body image and low self-esteem. Whether in adults or even in teenagers, obesity is sadly on the rise in modern times.
